NFL's staggering act of 'hypocrisy' amid US protests

When George Floyd died after being pinned down for almost nine minutes by a white police officer in Minneapolis, it revived a nationwide movement in America speaking out against police brutality towards people of colour.

The story of an African-American person wrongfully killed or injured by police - with the incident captured on camera - was sadly all too familiar in the US, but whether it be the added economic pressures of coronavirus, or the fact that the pandemic's impact on peoples' lifestyles has made it much harder to ignore such injustices, for whatever reason, Floyd's death has been a pivotal moment.

As people took to the streets to protest, everyone from broadcast networks, to fashion and makeup companies, to popular food brands had an official statement to release, condemning the Floyd incident and calling for change. Celebrities, sports stars and teams too were eager to be more vocal on the subject than ever before.

To be seen to be silent now is not good for the brand.

However the hypocrisy within this groundswell of support in the last eight days for Floyd, the 'Black Lives Matter' movement and protests against inequality, is hard to ignore.

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None seemed more tone deaf than the reaction of the NFL and San Francisco 49ers.

The NFL's statement from commissioner Roger Goodell expressed sadness and empathy, and called for "urgent action", pledging to address "systemic issues" with the help of players, clubs and league partners. There was no mention of "police" or even "race".

The 49ers' CEO Jed York, meanwhile, announced the team would be donating $US1 million to "local and national organisations who are creating change" and spoke about needing "the courage and compassion as human beings to come together and acknowledge the problem: black men, women and children and other oppressed minorities continue to be systematically discriminated against".

The team account also took part in #BlackoutTuesday on social media in solidarity with the BLM cause.

On their own, they seem like compassionate statements supporting BLM and advocating change.

The reality is however, both the NFL and the 49ers had the opportunity to do so much more about this years ago when Colin Kaepernick was in the league, speaking out about the very issue that is rocking the United States today. But they didn't.

Kaepernick's peaceful kneeling protest before games, starting in 2016, was a brave move which ultimately left him effectively blacklisted, unsigned and to this day jobless in the NFL. That was despite having reached the Super Bowl just years earlier in 2013 and there being a consensus that at the very least, he was deserving of a back-up quarterback role in any of the 32 teams.

He became a free agent in 2017 and not a single team has signed him since.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour," Kaepernick said of the reason for his protests in 2016.

"To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

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At the height of Kaepernick's kneeling protests - which were inspired by a veteran - at a rally in 2017 US President Donald Trump called the 49ers player and any others who joined him "sons of b----es" that should be fired by their teams.

The unprecedented attention Kaepernick drew to the issues of police brutality and the inequality facing minorities was prompting an uncomfortable conversation in America, but it often got misinterpreted as disrespectful to the US flag and national anthem.

The division of fans who supported and were offended by Kaepernick's protest threatened teams' bottom lines, according to the NFL's vice president of communications at the time, Joe Lockhart.

"No teams wanted to sign a player - even one as talented as Kaepernick - whom they saw as controversial, and, therefore, bad for business," he wrote in a column this weekend for CNN.

"As bad of an image problem it presented for the league and the game, no owner was willing to put the business at risk over this issue."

Lockhart argued that the NFL had invested nearly $US100 million in projects to "highlight racial disparities" and that "the commissioner and several other league executives spent a lot of effort prodding and pushing owners" to sign Kaepernick, but in retrospect even he concluded that "teams were wrong for not signing him" after he became a free agent.

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The way the NFL could have used their platform - as they vowed in their social media post a few days ago - was not just to throw money at it.

"Watching what's going on in Minnesota, I understand how badly wrong we were," Lockhart wrote.

"I know now it was not enough just to spend money to make progress on the issue of racial disparities. That is crucial, but so are symbols that reflect that attempt at progress - and also the failure to reach it. And Colin Kaepernick became the symbol of black men being treated differently than white men in America.

"That symbol of racial injustice was reinforced every day that Colin sat on the outside of the football world. It may have seemed like a good business decision for the clubs to not sign him, and it certainly wasn't illegal, but it was wrong."

Similarly, the 49ers, though they never spoke outwardly against Kaepernick, could well have done more to stand with him and promote his message, instead of shying away from it or leaving him to fend for himself against the wave of flag and anthem-related criticism that came his way, urging him to "stick to sport".

They also were in the unique position to stand up to the other NFL owners and the league, to put pressure back on them.

All owners were complicit in the gradual squeezing out of Kaepernick from the NFL as well as his message from the kneeling protest. After all, a league vote in 2018 attempted - and due to a player backlash, failed - to bring in an NFL policy that all players must stand during the national anthem or risk a team fine, or remain in the locker room if they objected.

Now, a majority of the teams are publicly voicing their support for BLM and sweeping change, the very thing they tried to hush when Kaepernick did so a few years back.

In 2017, Kaepernick and former teammate that knelt beside him, Eric Reid, filed a collusion grievance against the NFL and reached a settlement out of court.

Reid, who continued to kneel long after Kaepernick remained out of the league, was scathing this week of the 49ers' BLM band-wagoning following Floyd's death. He called their social media activity "hypocrisy" and claimed that York had once "begged [him] not to kneel".

Houston Texans wide receiver Kenny Stills also continued kneeling protests, as well as former Miami teammate Albert Wilson and former Denver Broncos linebacker Brandon Marshall.

Stills was equally unimpressed by the NFL's social media activism, responding to their statement with three words: "Save the bull----".

What has become overwhelmingly apparent in the recent upheaval in the US since Floyd's death is that the platitudes or "thoughts and prayers" approach is no longer acceptable. Words, pledges, or heartfelt social media statements will not suffice anymore.

People are fed up, and that includes athletes, many of whom - white and black - have come out in greater numbers than ever before to support the cause and speak out against the injustice faced by people of colour in the US.

It's clear the fear for their nation's future if things are left unchanged is a far scarier prospect than the risk of losing their livelihood over "bad business".

from WWOS

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