How Luka Doncic Is Helping Slovenians in Need Fight the Coronavirus Outbreak

Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, some people have decided to use their wealth and recognition to help out others. Luka Doncic is one of these philanthropists.

Luka Doncic: Helping out the family

Dallas Mavericks point guard Luka Doncic is trying to help his fellow Slovenians. Recently, Doncic put up an Instagram story. He reposted a post from a fan page which gave him credit for his contributions.

According to the post, Doncic is helping Slovenian hospitals in Dallas. Further, the player wishes to encourage other athletes and anyone who can help to do the same.

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Pomagajmo zdravstvenemu osebju v Sloveniji.🙏 @lukadoncic svojo prepoznavnost vedno znova izkorišča tudi za pomoč ostalim. V težkih trenutkih zaradi koronavirusa, s katerim se spopadamo po vsem svetu, se je odločil finančno pomagati bolnišnici v Dallasu, prav tako se je odločil za pomoč slovenskim bolnišnicam. Želi pa spodbuditi tudi ostale športnike in vse, ki v teh težkih trenutkih lahko pomagajo, da to storijo preko fundacije Uresničimo sanje, ki jo je ustanovil skupaj z nogometašem Jako Bijolom in hokejistom Robertom Kristanom. Po svojih zmožnostih lahko pomagate z nakazilom na TRR fundacije: SI56 0310 0100 3527 374 ali preko SMS-ov: Pošlji sms SANJE ali SANJE5 na 1919. (Prispevajo lahko uporabniki mobilnih storitev Telekoma Slovenije, A1, T2 in Telemacha. Pravila in pogoji za sodelovanje pri storitvi SMS-donacija so objavljeni na spletni strani (

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Doncic’s efforts to help out

Recently, the Dallas Mavericks announced that Mark Cuban, Luka Doncic, and Dwight Powell are coming together with the Dallas Mavericks Foundation. They will donate $500,000 to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Hospital.

The funds are aimed towards childcare and healthcare workers who are handling the virus first hand.

It is common knowledge that Mark Cuban has been helping out ever since the virus took over. After the NBA’s announcement about the suspension of its season, Cuban declared that he would continue to pay hourly employees who work at the Mavericks’ American Airlines Center while games are suspended.
Now, even Luka Doncic has joined the list of players who are trying to help those affected as much as possible.
Other players have donated thousands of dollars to help the supporting staff of the NBA games.
 Zion Williamson declared that he was paying the salaries of the Smoothie King Center employees for 30 days.
Giannis Antetokounmpo announced that his family, and himself, were pledging to donate $100000 to the Fiserv Forum staff.
Blake Griffin announced on Twitter that he is donating $100,000 to the staff of Little Caesars Arena.

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